Bishop Bay Hot Springs

Hot Spring

An oceanside hot spring accessible only by boat.

Accessible only by boat along the Ursula Channel in Bishop Bay, one may indulge in the warm, soothing waters of Bishop Bay Hot Springs, sourced from a crack in the bedrock just a few meters above the high-tide mark. The bathhouse, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the north coast, offers a 3 meter (10 feet) wide, 1 meter deep concrete-block pool and a smaller, cooler vent for those seeking a varying temperature experience. The overflow water from the main pool flows into a small tub located outside the bathhouse.

A small campground, complete with covered picnic tables and outhouses, provides a peaceful haven for those seeking an extended stay. During the fishing season, the hot springs attract crowds of nature lovers and adventurers, with several dozen boats tied up at the dock and anchored in the bay, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

photos courtesy of Anna Ziegler


53.478239, -128.842163

Notable GPS Co-ordinates

Detailed Directions

Note: Bishop Bay Hot Springs is only accessible by boat. marine chart of the area (3742)

  1. Sail to Bishop Bay via the Ursula channel. 
  2. Anchor or Tie Up - If you are arriving by boat, you can either anchor towards the waterfall on the south side of the bay or tie up at the dock. The dock has recently been renovated and is in good condition.
  3. Take the Path to the Bathhouse - Once you have anchored or tied up, follow the short path to the bathhouse. You will be greeted by the warm, odorless, and tasteless waters that flow into the concrete-block pool.
  4. Explore the Campground - Near the bathhouse, you will find a small campground, complete with covered picnic tables and outhouses. This is the perfect place to set up camp and make memories that will last a lifetime.
  5. Soak in the Hot Springs - Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating waters of Bishop Bay Hot Springs and experience the ultimate in relaxation and renewal.

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