Deca Warm Springs

Hot Spring

Warm springs on Twitya River near Deca Creek, featuring a population of small crustaceans.

These springs are located on the northern bank of the Twitya River, roughly 3 kilometers to the west of where Deca Creek meets the river. Positioned about 1 kilometer north of the river, there's a sizable tufa mound that spans approximately 300 meters in length and 200 meters in width. The spring emerges beside the uphill face of this mound. These geographical features can be pinpointed at around 64°10'N and 128°25'W, situated in the Mt. Eduni region.

The spring water bubbles up, forming a pool that's roughly 6 meters in diameter and approximately 1 meter deep. The water possesses clarity, lacks odor, and is deficient in dissolved minerals, primarily containing sulphate, chloride, and sodium. Within the water, one can find small shrimp-like crustaceans thriving.

In another area approximately a kilometer to the west, there's another collection of springs. These springs also feature large tufa mounds; however, they are cooler than the 22°C average of the main springs to the east, maintaining temperatures around just 11°C to 16°C.


64.172894, -128.397217

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