Ekwi Hot Springs

Hot Spring

Several springs with the highest mineral content in Canada, near the confluence and the Godlin and Ekwi rivers.

This cluster of thermal springs is situated in the vicinity of Mt. Eduni, approximately at coordinates 64°03'N and 128°15'W. These springs are located on the Godlin River, a short distance upstream from where it meets the Ekwi River.

The most sizable and hottest spring, with a temperature of roughly 44°C, directly discharges into the river from the base of a steep and rocky river bank. This particular spring is responsible for the formation of small, salt-laden stalactites on the cliff that hangs over the river, positioned between the spring's source and the river itself. Additionally, two other springs emerge from the upper part of the river bank. These secondary springs are smaller and cooler compared to the primary one, with temperatures of approximately 40°C and 32°C, respectively. All three springs are clear and lack any noticeable odor.

These springs have the highest concentration of dissolved minerals among all of Canada's thermal springs. The predominant constituents of these minerals are chloride and sodium, which contribute to the briny flavor of both the water and the stalactites. The salinity level is approximately 16,000 parts per million (equivalent to 1.6 percent), or roughly half that of typical seawater.


64.038554, -128.122559

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