Moore's Hotspring

Hot Spring

A remote hot spring near a scenic meadow on the South Nahanni River.

Moore's Hotspring, located in the Northwest Territories undeveloped wilderness. The temperature of the water reaches approximately 40°C (104°F). These springs were documented by Peter Jowett in Nahanni: the River Guide. Situated on the northern bank of South Nahanni River, they lie around 2.5 km (1.5 mi.) to the east of the largest of the Island Lakes, precisely at coordinates 62°21'N, 12899'W in the Little Nahanni River (1051) map area.

To reach the spring, one must take a small side channel off the main river, about 100 meters away from the river's edge. The hot water, with its distinct sulfuric odor, bubbles up into a beautiful and thriving meadow. Though the water is very hot and contains sulfur, where it mixes with the river, it cools down enough to allow for comfortable soaking.

The springs are named after John and Joanne Moore, who spent a year living in a cabin approximately one kilometer upstream in the year 1978. Joanne Moore chronicled their remarkable experiences in the area in her book "Nahanni Trailhead: a Year in the Northern Wilderness" (published by Ottawa, Deneau, and Greenberg in 1980).


62.341961, -128.18573

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